
Showing posts from October, 2019

Golden rule

The image shows the golden rectangle or golden ratio. With the image can be split into 2 with the pineapple and trees being one and the building being the other.

Rhythm and patterns

The image has rhythm in it showed by the curving of the roof. the curve shows a progression as it moves upwards towards the top right corner

Rule of thirds

This image shows the rule of thirds in action with the stones edge splitting the photo into thirds and the smaller stone acting as the background image.Also there is a coherence with both of the stones


This image shows a nice balance with colour and also size the man in the front is wearing black and is the opposite of the man in the back wearing white. He is also larger in the image showing dominance.

lake side forest

The image was inspired by the landscape scenes from photography books it looks like the ground is made of leafs and you're not quite sure if its stable to stand on. The image is very wild and untouched with nature in it full bloom.

Lake side scene

The scene I chose felt appropriate it feels like the men are exploring a previously unseen world with no order that is overgrown. There standing in the shade of the tree about to enter a new world of vibrant green and autumn yellow colours.


The dangling branch looks like it's covering what's beyond it with the background being blurry. The autumn leafs also are a good background to the very green leafs on the branch.The image looks like nature is about take over in a way with the road being surrounded by green area but still keeping the green behind the roads grey path


The image of the small boulder has a lot of different cracks and moss making it look like a tall mountain wall instead of a boulder. The split in the rock reminds of a valley you would see made by erosion it reminds of a place that could be used as a film location.

Lake side

The first image felt very vibrant with colour. The grey water reflects and blurs the green trees above. The background looks to be fading away in a dream like manner. Its a warm image with the tress in the background colour gong to a vibrant orange .